Collective Worship council
Our Collective Worship Council was initially set up in 2016. The Collective Worship Council aims to help plan, lead and improve Collective Worship across the whole school.
At the beginning of the year, pupils are elected by their class to become a member of the Worship Council. As a church school, we want to help everyone to feel successful, happy, included, nurtured and enriched whilst learning about and worshipping God whilst celebrating the multiple faiths and diversity of our community.
Each half term the Worship Council meet together to do some of the following things:
- Reflect upon worship and how it can be even better.
- Help plan collective worship sessions.
- Help monitor and evaluate the different worship sessions and the school environment
- Learn more about worship e.g. why worship is important and the different ways to worship
- Contribute ideas for prayers.
- Help set up and maintain our Prayer Hut
- Explore ways to develop the distinctively Christian character of Christ Church
Each year, priorities of the Collective Worship change.
Some of our aims for the coming year are for us to:
- Develop pupil participation in collective worship
- Lead and evaluate worship consistently
- Help ensure collective worship is diverse
- Explore what is meant by spirituality
- Connect with the Shine Centre to support and include the local community in worship
Meetings are minuted and supported by the Collective Worship Leader and / or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.